Nänabushu and the Dancing Bullrushes
Ningoding babimosed, “Aaniin?” Gii-inendam.
While he was once walking along, “What (is it)?” he thought. |
“Wonder (what it can be)?” |
O’ow idash gii-inendam: “Gonige gaawin ninga-gashkitoosiin!”
Now, this he thought: “I wonder if I am unable to do it!” |
Ningoding igo babimosed, ogii-waabamaa i’iw ininiwa’ Gisji-oSaamiininit wii-niimi’idwa’
And as he was once walking along, he saw some men fathered in a throng to dance together. |
O’ow idash ogii-igoon iniw bezhig: “Aaniin gaye giin ina, Nenaboozhoo, Giga-niim?” ogii-goon.
And this he was asked by one of them: “You too, Nanabushu, are you going to dance?” he was asked. |
“Aye´, nishiime sa ninga-niim gaye niin,” ogii-inaan.
“Yes, my little brother, I too am going to dance,” he said to him. |
Gakina bingwaashaagidiwa’, mii dash gakina ezhi’onid i’iw babikwaangenaa batakibine’onid.
They were all naked; and the only dress they all had was a feather, with all but the top stripped from the shaft, standing perched upon their heads. |
“Gaye giin ina giwii-niim?” Gii-inaa a´aw Nenaboozhoo.
“And do you also wish to dance?” they said to Nanabushu. |
“Mii na go iw iidog zhigwa wii-wiidookaazoyan?
“Without doubt it must be your wish to participate? |
Gi-noondam ina minik i’iw isa minik waa-niimi’iding?
Have you heard how many days they will be dancing? |
Nishwaasogan wii-niimi’idim.”
Eight days will they be dancing.” |
Mii dash gaye wiin gaa-izhi’od, gii-batakibinwe’od.
Thereupon he himself dressed in the same costume, he had a feather standing upon his head. |
Mii dash apii maajitaanid, naawaya’ii gaa-izhooshigaabawid gaye qiin gii-niimid.
Now, when they began, in their midst was where he stood and also danced. |
Mii dash apii gii-maajitaanid, aaniish mii sa gaye wiin i’imaa gaa-indashiiweshimot; baabnaginange inakamigiziwa’.
Now, when the others began (dancing), thereupon then and there did he dance; a rousing time did they have. |
Geget sa gichi-niimi’idiwa i’imaa.
Of a truth, a great dance they had together there. |
Mii dash i’imaa endazhiweshimod, niiyogon gaa-niimid.
And now, there where he was dancing, four days did he dance. |
Aaniish i’imaa wiijiiwaad i’iw isa gaa-niiyogonagadanig.
So there he helped them for a space of four days. |
Mii dash apii gii-inind: “Ambe sa noo ayaagwaamizin,” gii-inaa aw Nenaboozhoo.
And that was when they said to him: “We beg of you, display your zeal,” they said to Nanabushu. |
“Gego noonde-aanishiidangen.”
“Don’t let up before the affair is over.” |
Mii dash apii zhigwa gii-ozhi’onid; gaa-izhi-miskwaakwiyowenid, aaniish mii go gaye wiin gaa-izhi’od a’aw Nenaboozhoo.
Now, that was when they began to paint themselves; after they were painted red, then the same to himself did Nanabushu. |
Gii-naaniimid mii imaa, aanish gaawiin aanawi mashi ayekozisii.
He kept right on dancing there at the place, for not even yet was he weary. |
Mii dash geget enigok niiminid.
And so truly qirh muxh fervor he danced. |
Abaapish gaa ningodwaasogonagadinig, mii dash apii e-ni-waabaninig zhigwa gikendang ayekozid.
By the time the sixth day was up, and when the light of morning was coming on, he began to realize that he was growing tired. |
Mii go iw ezhi-ziigisenig oshkiinzhigoon.
Thereupon the tears streamed from his eyes. |
Geget sa nanoondendam jibwaa-waabininig.
In good earnest was he anxious for the morning to come. |
Gegapii igo gichi-mawi i’iw epiichi-dibikadinig.
Then at last he wept aloud for that the night was yet far from spent. |
Mii dash i’iw ji-ishkwaa-niimi’idinig ani-waabaninig.
And now the dance would be over during the coming-on of the orning. |
Mii sa agaawaa ogashkidoon aano-niimid, aaniish ayekozi.
And so hardly was he able to dance, for he was tired. |
Zhayiigwa aanawi bi-yaabanini, mii sa zhayiigwa nanaawajimonid. Mii dash aanawi biidaabi-waabaninig,
By and by, nevertheless, the dawn began to break, whereupon the others then began whooping. In spite of the breaking of the dawn, |
aanish mii go iw ezhi-nasine mawid, epiichi-ayekozit.
he was nevertheless weeping all the while, so very tired was he. |
Ningoding igo, e-shkwaa-webinigenid, gii-niibawi megwe-zhaashaaganashkokaa, aaniish gaa-izhinaagoskang iniw zhaazhaaganashkaan miinangwona iniw gaa-izhinang.
Now presently, after the others had ceased with their music, there he was standing in amongst the bulrushes, for what he had met with was the bulrushes, which he had supposed (to be people dancing). |
Mii dash geget naanoondendam jibwaa-waabaninig, mii dash ezhi-mawid, epiichi-ayekozid.
It was true that he had grown restless before it was morning, and so he was weeping, he was so tired. |
Ningoding igo i’iw akawaabandang ji-bi-waabaninig, zhigwa gegedo waabandaan bi-waabaninig.
But of a sudden, while waiting for the morrow, he then truly saw the coming of the morning. |
Mii dash gaa-inendang: “Ambegish ge-izhitine gibimi-baagaakaabang!”
And this is what he thought: “would that at once the full light of day might appear!” |
Mii dash geget zhigwa dibishkoojaya’ii bimi-akwaabanini.
Whereupon truly now straight overhead had come the line of the morning light. |
Aaniish mii go iw mookwishimod.
Now, by that time he was tired out by reason of the dance. |
Mii dash inaabid; geget i’imaa, niibawid, goniginiin megwe zhaashaaganagashkokaa gii-niibawi.
And so he looked; truly, there where he was standing, to his surprise, was in among the bulrushes. |
Mii sa ndawaa ezhi-naadagaame ayaad.
On recognizing (what he had been dancing with), he made his way close to the shore. |
Mii dash nangwana i’iniw gaa-izhinang zhaashaaganashkoon anishinaabeng gaa-izhinang.
Thereupon it became a fact that he had taken the bullrushes for people. |
Mii nangwana iw apii ko i´iw gii-ani-dagwaagig mii nangwana i´iw gii-gichi-naanooding.
It had happened to be in the autumn, during the season when there was always a strong wind blowing. |
Mii nangwana i’iniw gaa-gii-izhinang iniw zhaashganashkoon.
It was true that such was the way he had seen the bullrushes. |
NAA mii dash inangwana i’imaa wawiyazh gii-izhiwebizid.
Therefore that was a time when he had a joke played on him. |